3 Hobbies That Can Improve And Maintain a Healthy Brain

3 mn

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Knowing Is Not Enough; We Must Apply. Wishing Is Not Enough; We Must Do.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

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11 thoughts on

3 Hobbies That Can Improve And Maintain a Healthy Brain

  • Themo Saurus

    Donec orci lectus, aliquam ut, faucibus non, euismod id, nulla. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Quisque id mi. Cras non dolor. Praesent metus tellus, elementum eu, semper a, adipiscing nec, purus.

    Nullam nulla eros, ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat, pede. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Morbi ac felis. Etiam imperdiet imperdiet orci. Praesent ut ligula non mi varius sagittis.

    Cras non dolor. Nullam sagittis. Praesent ac sem eget est egestas volutpat. Vivamus euismod mauris. Quisque id mi.

    Praesent egestas neque eu enim. Praesent adipiscing. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.. Cras dapibus.

    Aenean tellus metus, bibendum sed, posuere ac, mattis non, nunc. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Praesent adipiscing. Suspendisse non nisl sit amet velit hendrerit rutrum. Praesent metus tellus, elementum eu, semper a, adipiscing nec, purus.

  • Wynonn Judd

    Working memory, which is a bit like the brain’s notepad, is where new information is held temporarily. When you learn someone’s name or hear the address of a place you’re going to, you hang on to those details in working memory until you’re done with them. If they’re not useful anymore, you let go of them entirely. If they are, you commit them to long-term memory where they can be strengthened and recalled later.

    • Marthy Berg

      Working memory is something we use every day, and it makes our lives a lot easier when it’s stronger. For most adults, the maximum we can hold in our working memory is about seven items, but if you’re not quite using your working memory to its max capacity, meditation is one thing you can try to strengthen it.

  • Shen Foster

    I think drinking coffee to improve your memory consolidation is the best.
    Whether caffeine can improve memory if taken before learning something new is debatable. Most research has found little-to-no effect from ingesting caffeine prior to creating new memories. One recent study, however, found that taking a caffeine pill after a learning task actually improved memory recall up to 24 hours later.

    • Marthy Berg

      Participants memorized a set of images, and were later tested by viewing the same images (targets), similar images (lures) and completely different images (foils). The task was to pick out which were the exact pictures they had memorized, without being tricked by the lures which were very similar. This is a process called pattern separation, which, according to the researchers, reflects a “deeper level of memory retention.”

    • Elena Bulleati

      I suggested that caffeine might influence memory performance by boosting general levels of arousal during non-optimal times of day.

  • Ron Faucheux

    You can also eat berries for better long-term memory.
    Another diet-related effect on memory is the mounting research that eating berries can help to stave off memory decline.

    • Marthy Berg

      A study from the University of Reading and the Peninsula Medical School found that supplementing a normal diet with blueberries for twelve weeks improved performance on spatial working memory tasks. The effects started just three weeks in and continued for the length of the study.

  • Melanie Cheney

    They don’t always say yes — to others and themselves.
    Like empathy, self-control and conviction are sure signs of an emotionally solid person. Emotionally intelligent people are well-aware that a second glass of wine will lead to negative consequences the next morning, just as they know that an invitation to go on a spontaneous weekend rendezvous will detract them from fulfilling their preexisting commitments.

    • Marthy Berg

      In particular, studies shown that regular exercise can improve spatial memory, so it’s not necessarily a way to improve all kinds of memory recall.

  • Elisio Street

    Exercise to improve your memory recall.
    Studies in both rat and human brains have shown that regular exercise can improve memory recall. Fitness in older adults has even been proven to slow the decline of memory without the aid of continued regular exercise.

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